Snaps. iii

I take pictures of plants and things. Lots of them. Prepare yourself for a neature walk.

Beginning with a look at a local farm’s watering contraptions.

We’re slightly less complicated.

This thing was covered in snow over Winter and looked pretty much dead when the snow melted…But nope. Not dead. Now I get to put raspberries in my oatmeal every morning.

Here’s the creepy space behind the shed that I hadn’t really noticed before. Now every time I add things to the compost pile, I’m going to have to keep an eye on that bin to make sure nothing crawls out and eats me.

They’re alive! I’ve somehow managed to keep these things from dying. So far.

We went for a drive on the Kancamagus Highway the other day. I can’t not take pictures.

Snaps brought to you by Japanameritalianish (and mom for that last one).

Snaps. i

I’ve taken more pictures than I know what to do with.

I found this (embroidery?) at a garage sale.

The garden has gone a little crazy.

Campground sights.

Snaps brought to you by Japanameritalianish.


Oops. Went an entire month without a single post. To Time, which seems to move at an ever-increasing rate, I say, “Stahp!”

We have a small garden in our backyard. It started out in May as four or five patches of dirt sectioned off with bricks, and it’s since turned into a tangle of annoyingly stabby vines and leaves, lots of flowers, and some baby fruit. It’s been fun watching the seeds we planted sprout and grow, and going on mini expeditions in search of new strawberries, cucumbers, pumpkins, peas, squash (what’s the plural form of squash?) is the best part. That and actually picking the fruits and vegetables. We’ve only picked a couple strawberries so far, but everything is starting to grow like crazy, so it shouldn’t be too long before everything is ready to go.

May 7

May 22

May 31

June 11

July 2

After the first set of pictures, I was all excited and thought, “Yeah I’m going to take pictures from the same places on the same day every week maybe even multiple days a week and then I’ll make a time-lapse video and it’ll be awesome and I’ll do the same thing next year and then we can compare the videos and” so on and so forth…That did not happen, as I often forgot and a week (or two or three) was skipped, but that’s alright.

Tendrils are weird. If it could speak, the above tendril might say something like, “I’m a creepy crawly green coil that’s going to inch my way toward you ever so sneakily, and when I reach you (and I will reach you), I’ll wrap myself around you twenty-seven times and never ever ever let go…EVER.”

Swiss chard. This, we have learned, is not something we like all that much (it’s described by mom as tasting like mown grass smells, which is pretty accurate, I think) and thus will likely not be grown again next year.

And there you have it. Garden brought to you by japanameritalianish and family.