Two Decades.

As I sit here eating cake, trying not to think about what I need to finish before this semester is over, an odd feeling is coming over me. Today is my last day as a teenager. I hadn’t thought much about it before, but I’ve been here for almost two decades now. It’s weird. Twenty doesn’t really seem like a significant age – There are no special privileges given to you when you turn twenty; newly-established twenty-year-olds don’t suddenly become members of some special club…Twenty’s just a number. But I still can’t help but feel different somehow. Like it’s time for me to go and do something with the rest of my life. Anyone else ever feel this way? Not that I haven’t already “done something” with my life – I just have all these things in my head that I’d like to do, see or learn that I haven’t yet…

  • Make and sell art.
  • Write and publish something.
  • Run a marathon.
  • Cook more often.
  • Live in a little RV or van and travel around from place to place.
  • Build a little house. Maybe one on wheels.
  • Get a job. That might be helpful.
  • Have and keep up with a garden.
  • Finish reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy. (I’ve started maybe four times. The Fellowship of the Ring, you shall not defeat me again!)
  • Read more in general.
  • Live for a time in some snowy mountains somewhere.
  • Post on this blog more often.

(What is it with bloggers/blog-ees and lists? I don’t know about you, but if I see a list of things on someone’s blog, I’m almost always sucked into reading at least the usually bolded heading for each item. It never fails.)

I could probably think of lots more, but then this post would turn into an endless string of disconnected thoughts…And I have a lot of homework to do. So I’ll stop there and leave you with a picture of that aforementioned cake. It’s a piece of a[n entire!] cake my mom mailed me. In a box. And still delicious.

Reminds me of Hagrid: “Got something for you. Afraid I might have sat on it at some point, but I imagine it’ll taste fine just the same. Baked it myself, words and all.”

