
I love snow.* While many hope for warmer weather and wish they were in Florida or Hawaii or some other too-warm-for-Winter climate, I hope for snow and crispy cold. Even snow-shoveling I don’t mind. It’s good work for cold weather, especially if you can go inside afterwards and defrost with a cup or bowl of something deliciously warm.

So I present to you some of my recent pictures of various snow-covered things.

Oh, I learned something interesting yesterday about a positive effect of extreme cold. Apparently there are tons of different insects, like the Emerald Ash Borer, killing off trees and weakening forests around the U.S., and these insects can survive pretty cold temperatures. But the extreme cold of the past week or so has pushed those insects’ limits and hopefully helped decrease their numbers. So invasive insects + super cold = more living, snowy trees to take pictures of.

*I do not love the negative effects of snow and freezing weather, like mass power-outages, icy roads, and frostbite.

Photos: Snowy berries/Nashua road/Christmas tree I/Leaf/Downtown tracks/Christmas tree II
